Featuring a shot we took of our Leo client boss babe--Jessica of Beauty by Jess
Welcome to Leo season! Big, bold and brave those born under this sign tend to be bursting with personality so in business we find them trustworthy leaders. Leos can also be great team players, they hunt in packs and they're able to bring out the best in other people. Their truly warm hearts make them liked and looked up to.
They tackle the business world very cleverly and give orders with politeness and respect.
When a Leo loves work, there's no stopping her. Passionate and idealistic, Leos aren't driven by a paycheck (although they do love the luxuries money can buy). However, a Leo who's only going through the motions at work is not a happy Lion. This sign can and will throw themselves into a job, and it's not uncommon for a Leo to work around the clock.
A perfectionist, Leo can get frustrated at team members who seem to coast.
This natural leader inspires others, but may not always be the easiest co-worker. That's because Leos are so dedicated to their own vision that it may be hard for them to appreciate input and ideas from others. However, Leo is amazing at motivating others and at big-picture thinking, relying on other signs to do more detail-oriented steps.
Leos are natural performers, and they need to use these skills in the workplace in order to be happy and fulfilled. They make great leaders as well, whether it's a small team or the whole corporation. Whatever the case, Leos needs to feel seen and heard on the job. The Lion would excel at any of these careers:
Entrepreneur: Leos have no problem working independently (as long as they can take time off to socialize). They also like having their fingers in all aspects of the business. Lions love the hard work—and reward—of watching their idea grow from the ground up, blossom, and bear fruit.
Director: Whether as a film director or ad agency art director, visual Leo "sees" things differently than other signs. Lions love taking a direction role to watch their very specific vision take shape.
Teacher: Not only are Leos fiercely intelligent, they're also deeply passionate and love handing their wisdom down to the next generation. Leo excels at the college level, and loves mentoring the best and the brightest.
Tech Developer: Although not always detail-oriented, Leo brings creativity to the tech space, and excels at coming up with creative and out-of-the-box solutions. They also excel at recognizing where a new tech product can fit in the consumer market.
CEO: In-charge Leo basks in the spotlight, and is especially adept at making others want to work hard for him or her. Leo is also brave when it comes to making big changes, and isn't afraid to make bold moves that may intimidate others in the industry.
Leos work hard for the money, and they want you to know it. Leo loves luxury, whether it's five-star hotels or designer labels, and isn't shy about splashing out cash for quality. But Leo isn't foolish. Although this sign appreciates spending money, they know how to think long-term, and there's a strategy behind their spending decisions. Leo's motto is "You can't take it with you," and Lions will crunch the numbers to live in the best style they can afford—without going into debt.
While Leos seem strong on the surface, they also make decisions based on emotion, and their emotions are key allies that drive their business decisions. Knowing this can help you navigate working for a Leo boss. They will have bad days, and it's key to learn their cues. For example, you should recognize the best (and worst) times to drop in on her with an idea or a question.
Leo respects hard workers, and may be tough on you—but it's only to make you stronger. Lions take things personally and want you to like them. And if you don't like them, or if you undercut them, they will take it out on you. Leo loves the spotlight and appreciates genuine compliments. Letting your Leo boss know how much you admire her goes a long way toward winning major points.
Here are a few tips and tricks for an excellent working relationship with a Leo boss:
Show your vitality. Intense and passionate, a Leo wants to see your passion as well, both at work and in your personal life.
Pay attention. Leo bosses like when their coworkers notice and follow the behavior they're modeling. Does your boss come in early? Does she favor certain language and procedures? Do the same, and you'll be rewarded!
Leos want to be the best, and they want everyone to know that they're the best. For a Leo, a job well done is a job well complimented. Lions love recognition, and even verbal compliments will motivate them. They love innovating because they get a thrill at being the first to do something. Want to get something done? Tell them they can't get it done, and then watch Leo get to work and prove you wrong. Interestingly we found a list of some successful, famous Leo leaders, artists and entrepreneurs.
Bretman Rock
Sandra Bullock
Jennifer Lopez
Martha Stewart
Coco Chanel
All Leos have a Lion inside them, so beware! Leos can be dramatic and love to pick a fight if not for fun. Knowing when to back down is key. They are not afraid of confrontation and will often thrive in it, which can be challenging for those who do not! However, if you want someone to start or help grow your business, pick a Leo.
A Leo's personality isn't for everyone, however. Sometimes it's overbearing, annoying and self-centered, but no one else will get the job done better and more efficiently than a Leo.
Overlook the negative traits or maybe even embrace them, and you'll be well on your way to having a better, more successful work life.
While Leos may have a, well, royal attitude about them, they are also incredibly sympathetic, whether or not they show it.If you give a Leo a business, he or she will send so much drive and attention to it. A Leo wants everyone to be happy, and is passionate about the people around her!